- Thermometer
- Bcomplex
- Activated charcoal
- Blukote
- Terramycin eye ointment
- Clippers with a #10 blade
- Syringes and needles (1/2inch 20 gage)
- Pepto bismal
- Bloat treatment
- Electrolytes
- Probios
A goats normal temperature is 101.5-103 the first assessment on a goat should always include taking their temperature. I keep multiples on hand.
Bcomplex injectable or B12 drench
When a goat is stressed, it won’t eat so the b12 in the complex or drench will stimulate their appetite. If you suspect polio the b1 in the complex is important to their recovery.
Activated charcoal
When a goat has eaten or us suspected to have eaten something poisonous activated charcoal is my first choice in treatment.
For small wounds. Great for healing and keeping flies away
Terramycin eye ointment
All kinds of conjunctivitis can be spread to goats this is the preferred method of treatment
Syringes and needles (1/2inch 20 gage)
To administer medication or vaccines. This general size will typically cover a lot of uses.
Pepto bismal
I use this when goats have severe scours. Will help to firm up stools to reduce fluid and electrolyte loss while you wait for treatments to start taking effect.
Bloat treatment
Bloat is serious and depending on the type it can kill quickly. I try to always have something on hand to administer whenever I suspect bloat.
During times of stress (heat, birth, sickness) goats lose a lot of Electrolytes. Comes in a powder you can mix into their water.
Whenever a goat is stressed, their gut doesn’t always function at its optimal level so a simple dose of probios for a couple days can really make a difference for their overall health.