Have you heard the expression “if it can’t hold water it can’t hold goats”? It’s in reference to fencing. Goats are escape artists! Keeping goats in their pen or field is for their own safety. Proper fencing also keeps out predators and reduces situations where goats will be injured.
Woven wire fencing that is 4×4 squares is typically labeled for goats and sheep, comes in a 330 foot roll which is difficult for one person to manage due to its size and considerable weight. This is a great option for perimeter fence and adult goats. Small goat kids can slip right through this size so therefore is not my recommendation for pens where kids will be housed without adding additional fencing to the bottom.

Over the years we have experimented with different types of fencing available. Based on decades of experience, trial and error here are my 3 recommended types of fencing for goats and how I will use them.
Favorite by far is woven wire fencing with 2×4 spacing. It’s labeled as fencing for horses and comes in a couple heights if I recall. This size is great when you have small mini goat kids who are capable of slipping through the 4×4 squares of traditional woven wire goat fencing. This fencing is durable against goats rubbing against it when pulled taunt and easy enough to handle by one person to put up. Best for pens and areas where small kids will have access to.
Goat panels are a great option for pens of large breed goats or adults. They come in 16 foot lengths like a cattle panel but the squares are 4×4. I can use it between does and bucks and they can’t knock it over.
We had a massive pine tree fall on this type of fencing and yes it bent slightly but was still up and able to secure them in their pens! If you choose this option for your pens but want to secure young kids, attach 2×4 or even chicken wire to the bottom half so they can’t slip through. Panels can also be used for making temporary pens or even small pasture areas with minimal effort. While one person can awkwardly move them, I do recommend a second person for easy of moving and setting up.